
Party Roots

Party Roots
May - October
Celebrate your birthday with nature and creativity!
Come on a journey with Buzzing Roots and travel into your birthday party story…
Looking for a unique and memorable way to celebrate your special occasion?
Party Root offers creative and nature-inspired party packages that cater to children age 5-10.
Let us help you create an unforgettable experience.

Stripy Flower Training with Madam Buzz
Discover the world of bees and flowers with Madam Buzz! Perfect for inquisitive young minds, this party is a fun-filled exploration of our buzzing friends and the colourful flowers they love.

Den Building with Beat Huff
Get ready to embark on an adventurous journey with Bear Huff! Take part in traditional party games and try your hand at building dens!
Please note: Den building element is available at
The Green Space only from May to October.

Menagerie Marine with Captain Barracuda:
Dive into an underwater adventure with Captain Barracuda! Learn about the fascinating creatures of the deep in this exciting marine-themed party.
Nature's Palette Art Party with Colour Wizard Wren
Unleash your inner artist with Colour Wizard Wren in this vibrant T-shirt dyeing workshop! Explore the magic of natural dyes derived from plants, fruits, and spices. This hands-on workshop allows participants to learn about the rich colours nature can provide while creating their own uniquely dyed T-shirt.
May - October
1 hour 30 minutes of party time:
Our experienced hosts will ensure everything runs smoothly.
Fun, nature-themed games that will keep the children entertained!
Party music.
Face painting.
Bring your own party food and snacks to enjoy.
Maximum 20 children.
Price: £160
The Green Space, Ravenhurst Road, Braunstone Town, LE3 2PS
Attenborough Arboretum Carisbrooke Rd, Leicester LE2 3TQ
Booking information:
To find out more or to book your birthday party, please contact Buzzing Roots
at buzzingroots@gmail.com or call 07425867969.